"We Won't Let A Church Close."
Pastors John and Rebecca Husbands along with a team from Calvary Assembly of God, Flossmoor relaunched services in Chicago Heights in Spring of 2018. When presented with the opportunity by the Illinois District Council, we knew immediately this must happen. We could not let a church close. In fact, God had began to prepare the way in advance. Calvary’s Flossmoor Campus had been reaching out along with the assistance of The Children’s Hunger Fund and Elim Christian Services to provide food and school supplies to several families in the community.
Currently, the Heights campus meets on Sunday afternoons at 3:00, holding services in English and Spanish as well as Royal Rangers & M-Pact. On Wednesday evenings at 7:00, English Second Language and Civics classes are taught along with children’s church. We are continuing to work to reach the community including a garden project, drive thru prayer, laundromat evangelism, summer programs for kids, open mic nights, one-on-one personal evangelism, and the first mayoral prayer breakfast. We have seen several salvations and spiritual growth. Lives are being changed and a community is being impacted. God is faithful! Thank you Illinois District Council and the Southwest Section for your continued prayers, support and love. Looking forward to amazing things and revival in Chicago Heights.